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Dermal Filler:

Non-Surgical Facial Aesthetic Treatments

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Administration


HA is a protein found naturally in our bodies.


It is used to add volume, enhance shape and has the added benefit of both hydrating the skin and increasing collagen .


Results are instant, and duration will vary dependent on filler thickness and area treated. 


HA is naturally degraded over time by enzymes present in our body.

This enzyme can be administered by medical professionals for corrective treatments.

Lip Filler                #DrNLips

Hyaluronic Acid Administration


Used to:

Define and Volumise

Reshape and Enhance Cupids Bow

Achieve the Golden Ratio 1:1.6

Balance Asymmetries and

Reduce peri-oral wrinkles.


Treatment lasts up to 6 months


Multiple visits may be needed to achieve your perfect pout.

If you have seen a previous practitioner and wish to develop #DrNLips

you may need your lips dissolving before.


Prices are based per 0.5ml and maximum 1.0ml is added per visit.

Nasolabial Folds &
Marionette Lines

Nasolabial Folds:


The line which runs from your nose to corner of your mouth.

'Smile lines'.

These deepen with age, they can be treated indirectly with cheek filler or directly.



Marionette Lines:


Down turned corners of the mouth and lines.

'Everyone asks me if I'm okay' is often the client complaint.

Improved Indirectly with cheek and lip filler or directly.

Tear Trough Filler

Dark circles, deep grooves and tired eyes can affect our whole face.

Some people are born with dark deep hollows and for others it occurs with age.


Hyaluronic Acid Administration using micro-cannula.


Decreases darkness, volumises the hollow to blend with the cheek, 

resulting in a youthful and refreshed appearance.


Multiple treatments may be required.


Prices based per 1ml.


As the eyes are such a delicate area and prone to swelling not everyone is a suitable candidate,

and 1ml of filler requires 1 month to fully settled before 2nd sitting.


You may not be suitable if you suffer from puffy eyes, hooded bags or thin skin.

These will be identified at your consultation.


Treatment last up to 9 months.

Cheek, Chin & Jawline Filler

Hyaluronic Acid Administration


Cheeks, Chin and Jawline all pay a part in our beauty.

These areas must be treated with equal measure and are treated together to achieve beautification, masculinisation and contour.


Cheek Filler:

Used to either:

  • Enhance Cheek Bones

 Adding contour and definition.

  • Restore Volume

To support the eyes, refresh and lift the lower face.


Prices are based per 1ml

1ml: Subtle contour or volumisation.

2ml: Subtle contour and volumisation

3ml: Enhanced mid face rejuvenation.


Jawline Filler:

Used to define the angle of the jaw and increase jaw definition.


Prices are based per 1ml

2-3ml Subtle

4-5ml Tighten

6-7ml Transform


Although it can enhance definition, if you are looking for a more 'feminine' face shape, it can widen the jaw slightly.


Dr N will provide a full assess and may offer an alternative treatment for 'beautification':

Chin filler and Jawline Slimming.


Chin Filler:

Used to decrease jowls, pronounce, define and lengthen the chin.

A key area to balance side profile, frontal length and balance voluptuous lips.



Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

The non-surgical rhinoplasty is without a doubt the most exciting advancement in medical aesthetics.


What used to require aggressive surgery and slow recovery can now be achieved in 15 minutes with two weeks minimal swelling.


Only to be provided by an experienced medical professional.

Treatment lasts up to 18 months.


Potentially suitable to treat:

- Mild bumps

- Drooping Tip

- Nasal bridge build ups




For all enquiries please fill out the form below:

Thank you for your enquiry.

London Clinic:


The Paddington Dental Practice
17 Craven Road,
W2 3BP

Birmingham Clinic:


Court Drive,


WS14 0JG

Hertford Clinic: Now closed


Bath/Bristol Clinic: Coming soon


Senior Trainer at Derma Medical:


Hard Rock Hotel London
Great Cumberland Place,
Marble Arch,

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